Recipes for Sweet Treats

Besides family time, the next greatest thing about the holiday season are the sweet treats! 

1)Candy Apples- 8 Apples
8 Firm red apples
8 wooden sticks
3 cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1 cup water
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. red food coloring

Wash and dry your apples.  Remove the stem.  Insert a wooden stick where the stem was.  Grease a cookie sheet to set dipped apples on.

Put sugar, syrup and water in a pot.  Heat and stir to dissolve.  Boil without stirring until liquid is 300°F (150°C) on your candy thermometer.  At this temperature a drop of syrup in cold water will separate into brittle threads.  Remove from heat.

Mix in cinnamon and food coloring.  Dip apples in syrup.  Drain over saucepan.  Set on cookie sheet.  If the syrup starts to harden reheat it.  Let apples cool for 10 mins.

2)Caramel Apples- 8 Apples
8 firm apples
8 wooden sticks
1 1/3 cups evaporated milk
1/2 cup light corn syrup
2 cups granulated sugar
1 tbs.. butter or margarine
1 tsp. vanilla

Wash & dry apples.  Remove stems.  Insert wooden stick where stem was.

Put milk, syrup, and sugar into pot.  Heat and stir to dissolve sugar. Boil, stirring continually, until soft ball stage (240°F or 115°C).  Soft ball stage is when a drop in cold water forms a soft ball.  Remove from heat.

Add butter and vanilla.  Dip apples.  Let excess caramel drip off over pan before setting on a greased cookie sheet.  Reheat caramel if it starts to thicken.  Let apples cool for 10 mins.

3)Chocolate Fudge
2 cups sugar
3/4 cup milk
2 tbsp corn syrup
2 oz baker's chocolate - unsweetened
1/8 tsp salt
2 tbsp butter
1 tsp vanilla

Stir first 5 ingredients together in a saucepan over high heat.  Stir until the mixture boils. 

Cook over low heat for about 1/2 hour (Check after 20 minutes), until it has reached softball stage when a bit is dropped in cold water. 

Stir occasionally. Remove from heat. Add the butter and vanilla and beat until it starts to thicken. Put in buttered 8 x 8 pan. Cut into squares before it hardens.

Soft ball stage - 235 - 240 degrees - When you drop a little hot Fudge into a cup of cold water it will form a soft flexible ball. If you've cooked it too long it will be hard. If it's not cooked yet it will fall apart when you try to pick it up.

4)Candy Canes- 1 Dozen
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1/2 cup water
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
3/4 teaspoon peppermint extract
Red food coloring

Cook sugar, corn syrup, water, and cream of tartar to a very hard ball stage (use candy thermometer: 250 to 265 degrees F.). Remove from heat and add peppermint. Divide into two parts and add red food coloring to one part and mix well.

Pull pieces of each part to form ropes and twist red around the white to make candy canes.